The Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Department through the filling of posts. Candidates whose transfer/promotions/appointment will promote representivity will receive preference. People from the designated groups are encouraged to apply and will be given preference. Preference will be given to women and disabled people.
APPLICATIONS : All application must be forwarded to: The Head of Department, North West Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation, Private Bag X90, Mmabatho 2735 or delivered to Gaabomotho Building, between Mmabatho Convention Centre and Broadcasting Centre.
FOR ATTENTION : Director: Human Capital Management
CLOSING DATE : 04 September 2020
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by signed and dated Z83, a recent updated Comprehensive CV with at least names of three (3) referees with current contact details, originally certified copies of all qualification(s), and ID document/National Identity card. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in the application not being considered.
All qualifications will be verified. Persons in possession of foreign qualifications must furnish this Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Positions requiring tertiary qualification/s must be accompanied by certified copies of academic record/transcript(s).
Candidates must indicate the number of the post/reference number in their applications. Candidate requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their queries to the person reflected as enquiries below the post applied for. Applications should be forwarded in time to the department since applications received after the closing date indicated below will as a rule not be accepted.
Faxed and emailed applications are not accepted. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment and correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only.
Previous employment records will be verified. All appointments are subjected to a positive qualifications verifications as well as security clearance and vetting. SMS appointments are also subjected to SMS competency assessment as a DPSA requirement. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job.
SALARY : R316 791 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Head Office, Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : A 3-year National Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in and 2-3 years’ relevant experience in Human Resource Management. Interpersonal relations, planning and organising, innovations, presentation, analytical and communication skills. Computer literacy. Ability to formulate, interpret HR practice, procedures and policies. In-depth knowledge of performance management and development system and performance auditing. Good administrative, financial and project management experience. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Develop and implement effective performance management system. Manage submission of work plans and performance agreement. Ensure that job descriptions are developed and signed by all employees. Conduct and manage first and final performance assessment. Manage performance auditing. Manage the database and provide accurate and reliable statistics. Act as a consultant to line managers to ensure effective management of individual performance and support the investigation of queries.
Ensure alignment and plans as well as alignment of assessment documents to performance agreements/ work plans. Contribute to the development, review and maintenance of the performance management system and processes. Render a human resource advisory service to the management of the Department by investigating, analysing, benchmarking and interpreting legislation, prescripts and other human resource-related issues to promote an effective human resource environment. Conduct information sessions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr X March Tel No: (018) 388 2722