Categories: Careers


The Department of Tourism is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is our intention to
promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Department through the filling of these posts.
APPLICATIONS : Applications, quoting the relevant reference number must be forwarded to the
attention of Chief Director: HR Management and Development at Department
of Tourism, Private Bag X424, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at Tourism
House, 17 Trevenna Road, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Applicants may alternatively
submit by email to
recruitment@tourism.gov.za (Maximum size of 5 MB)
CLOSING DATE : 14 May 2021 at 16:30 (Late applications will not be considered)
NOTE : In order to be considered, applications must be submitted on a fully completed
signed Z83 form, accompanied by all required copies (Uncertified copies will
be accepted when submitting your application, but candidates invited to the
interviews must ensure they bring along certified copies) of qualifications,
Identity Document, proof of citizenship/permanent residence if not a RSA
citizen and a comprehensive CV (including three contactable references). It is
the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). All instructions on the
application form and this advert must be adhered to. Failure to comply with
these requirements will result in the candidate being disqualified.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within three months of the closing date of this advertisement,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department
reserves the right not to make an appointment. Short-listed candidates will be
subjected to screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a
person for employment. Shortlisted candidates may further be subject to a job
related test.

POST 14/128 : CLEANER REF NO: DT 10/2021(X3 POSTS)
Re-advertisement, candidates who previously applied must re-apply.
SALARY : R102 534 per annum (Salary Level 2)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An ABET level 4/ Grade 10 or Grade 12 with one-year relevant cleaning
experience. Must be a team player, have ability to work independently in a
team, Client orientated, must have a sense of responsibility, loyalty and ability
to work under pressure.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to clean offices, corridors,
elevators and boardrooms by dusting and polishing office furniture, sweeping,
scrubbing and waxing floors, vacuuming and shampooing floors, cleaning
walls, glass, inside windows and doors, emptying and cleaning dirt bins,
collecting and removal of waste paper, freshen the office areas; Cleaning of
basins, wash utensils; clean water bottles, refill water bottles; Refill hand wash
liquid soap, replace toilet papers, handtowels and refreshers, empty and wash
waste bins, sweep, scrub and wax floors, clean mirrors and wall tiles; Report
broken cleaning machines and equipment, clean machines (microwaves,
vacuum cleaners etc.) and equipment after use, and request cleaning material.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Modisakeng, Tel No: (012) 444 6083
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.


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