The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer and it is its intention to promote representivity in the Public Sector through the filling of this post. Persons whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity will therefore receive preference.
An indication in this regard will be vital in the processing of applications. People with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply.
Please forward your application, quoting reference, addressed to: The DirectorGeneral, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Private Bag X96, Pretoria, Application may also be hand delivered to Trevenna Campus, corner Meintjies and Francis Baard Street, former Schoeman alternatively to Matimba
House Building 192 Visagie Street Corner Paul Kruger & Visagie Street Pretoria. General enquiries may be brought to the attention of Mr P Ndlovu 012 406 7506/
Ms M Palare 012 406 7426/ Ms T Mothoagae 012 406 7737
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Applications must be submitted on the recent Z83 application form which came into effect from 01 January 2021 as issued by the Minister of the Public Service
Administration in line with regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 as amended, which is obtainable online from and All
sections of the Z83 must be completed (In full, accurately, legibly, honestly, signed and dated), and accompanied by a comprehensive/ detailed Curriculum Vitae only.
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be required from shortlisted candidates only on or before the day of the interview. The Curriculum
Vitae must have at least three (3) reference persons and their contacts. Failure to provide accurate information on a job application as well as incomplete information
will result in a disqualification. Job applicants are required to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). After
the interviews the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment. If an invitation for an interview is not received
within three (3) months after the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. Requirements stated on the advertised posts are minimum inherent
requirements; therefore, criteria for shortlisting will depend on the proficiency of the applications received. Applicants must note that personnel suitability checks (PSC)
will be conducted on the short-listed applicants, therefore will be required to give consent in terms of the POPI Act in order for the Department to conduct this
exercise. PSC includes security screening and vetting, qualification verification, criminal records, financial records checks. Applicants who do not comply with the
above-mentioned requirements, as well as application received after the closing date will not be considered. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application, He/
She must do so in writing. The Department reserves the right not to fill any advertised post at any stage of the recruitment process.
ERRATUM: Kindly take note that the post of State Accountant: Payroll and allowance with Ref No: DMRE /2436 advertised in the Public Service Circular 31
dated 01 September 2023, the post title has been amended to State Accountant.
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial and Organisational Psychology / National Diploma: Management Services/ National Diploma in Operations Management
PLUS certificate in Job Evaluation Analysis (NQF Level 6) with a minimum of 1 year experience in a Work Study and Organisational Development Environment
Knowledge of: Basic knowledge and understanding of policies, prescripts, regulations, white papers, public administration etc. Work study and work study
techniques. Information gathering & analysis effective procedures & method, basic research, problem solving, design /redesign of processes forms etc. Organizational
development and job descriptions and specification. Development of organizational structure Skills: Analytical & problem-solving skills. Communication & computer
skills. Report writing and formulation. Organising, planning and coordinating skills. Basic research. Negotiation skills. Ability to listen and interpret. Facilitation skills
Thinking Demand: communication, computer, report writing, listening and interpretation, analytical, organising, coordinating and planning skills, problem
solving and facilitation. Training and motivational skills.
Undertake organisational and post establishment investigations and advice management in this regard. Conduct job analysis and job evaluation (JE).
Facilitated the implement of operations management framework. Administer post establishment. Facilitate / coordinate change management interventions. Design
forms for the DMRE
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Ramoshaba Tel No: (012) 406 7603
NOTE : Indian/ coloured male and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
All the best with your applications