SALARY : R1 071 918 – R1 189 656 per annum, (OSD)
CENTRE : Provincial Office, Eastern Cape

It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this
post with a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with
the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.

CLOSING DATE : 10 February 2023 at 16:00

NOTE : Instruction: Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be
submitted on the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at Received
applications using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not
be considered. Each application for employment form must be fully completed,
initialled and signed by the applicant (Part F must be answered and declaration
must be completely signed). Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form
may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
ONLY a fully completed, initialled and signed new form Z83 (Section A, B, C,
D and F compulsory. Section E and G ignore if CV attached and recently
updated comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience) is required.
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview
following the communication from Human Resources and such qualification(s)
and other related document(s) will be in line with the requirements of the advert.
Foreign qualification must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted).

REQUIREMENTS : Masters’ Degree in Psychology, three (3) years’ appropriate experience as
psychologist after registration with HPCA as a counselling/Industrial
Psychologist Drivers Licence. Knowledge: Relevant ILO Conventions,
Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Recruitment and
Selection Process, Relevant Government strategies, Employment Service Act,
UIF Act, COIDA, Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act, Skills
Development Act, Health Professional Act, Employment Equity Act. Skills:
Planning and organising, verbal and written communication, Analytical,
Computer Literacy, Presentation, Interpersonal and Information Management

DUTIES : Supervise employment counselling to assist workers to enter the labour
market. Provide technical supervision of psychological assessment of workseekers in the province. Supervise self-help employment counselling in labour
centres. Establish programmes for career counsellors in the province. Ensure
professional record-keeping is done in the province on employment
counselling work. Provide counselling services to the referred clients.

ENQUIRIES : Ms N Ngaki Tel No: (043) 701 3000
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Human Resources Management: Private Bag X 9005 East
London 0001 or hand delivers at 3 Hill Street East London 5200
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, East London

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