We are seeking a skilled technologist to join our dynamic and innovative agricultural company. As a technologist, you will be a valuable asset to our team and play a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of our technology systems.
Purpose of position:
As a Technical Specialist, you will report directly to the Manager of Technology and will be responsible for providing comprehensive support for all system and technical related matters.
Key responsibilities:
ï‚· Managing and maintaining operating systems and platforms
ï‚· Supporting network systems and architecture
ï‚· Managing IPT/VOIP systems and PABX related products
ï‚· Providing assistance with printer functions
ï‚· Working in specific operating environments, such as desktop or server
Minimum requirements:
ï‚· Grade 12 certificate (or NQF 4 equivalent)
ï‚· Minimum of one (1) year experience in operating systems and administration
ï‚· A++ certification
ï‚· Fully bilingual in Afrikaans and English
ï‚· Knowledge of IPT/ VOIP and PABX related product
The following will serve as a recommendation:
ï‚· Experience in network systems platforms and underlying architecture will count towards recommendation.
ï‚· Ability to work independently
ï‚· Strong analytical reasoning skills
ï‚· Excellent communication abilities
ï‚· Reliability and responsibility
Why join us?
At NWK, we strive to create a positive and engaging work environment. We value our employees and offer competitive compensation packages, opportunities for growth and development, as well as a supportive team atmosphere. As a technologist, you will have the chance to work on exciting projects and collaborate with
colleagues who are passionate about what they do.
If you are a driven, skilled technologist looking for an exciting new opportunity, we encourage you to apply today!
Application can only be made through NWK’s website. For more information, please visit (https:// For any enquiries, contact Simóne Ferreira on (018) 633 1363. Visit our Facebook page at
The closing date for applications is 28 September 2023. If you are not invited for an interview within two weeks after the closing date, consider your application unsuccessful. NWK supports the purpose of the Employment Equity Act and gives preference to applicants from the nominated groups. Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply. NWK reserves the right not to fill the position.
Ons is op soek na ‘n bekwame tegnoloog om by ons dinamiese en innoverende landboumaatskappy aan te sluit. As
‘n tegnoloog sal jy ‘n waardevolle aanwins vir ons span wees en ‘n kritieke rol speel om die gladde werking van ons
tegnologiestelsels te verseker.
Doel van pos:
As ‘n tegnoloog sal jy direk aan die bestuurder van Tegnologie rapporteer en sal jy verantwoordelik wees vir die
verskaffing van omvattende ondersteuning vir alle stelsel- en tegniese verwante aangeleenthede.
ï‚· Bestuur en onderhoud van bedryfstelsels en -platforms
ï‚· Ondersteuning van netwerkstelsels en -argitektuur
ï‚· Bestuur van IPT/VOIP-stelsels en PABX-verwante produkte
ï‚· Verskaffing van bystand met drukkerfunksie
ï‚· Werk in spesifieke bedryfsomgewings, soos lessenaar of bediener
Minimum vereistes:
ï‚· Graad 12-sertifikaat (of NQF 4-ekwivalent)
ï‚· Minimum van een (1) jaar ondervinding in bedryfstelsels en administrasie
ï‚· A++ kwalifikasie
ï‚· Ten volle tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels
ï‚· Kennis van IPT/VOIP- en PABX-verwante produkte
ï‚· Ondervinding in netwerkstelselplatforms en onderliggende argitektuur sal as aanbeveling dien
Die volgende sal as aanbeveling dien:
ï‚· Ondervinding in netwerkstelselplatforms en onderliggende argitektuur
 Vermoë om onafhanklik te werk
ï‚· Sterk analitiese redenasievaardighede
 Uitstekende kommunikasievermoëns
ï‚· Betroubaarheid en verantwoordelikheid
Hoekom moet jy by ons aansluit?
By NWK streef ons daarna om ‘n positiewe en innemende werksomgewing te skep. Ons koester ons werknemers en
bied mededingende vergoedingspakkette, geleenthede vir groei en ontwikkeling, en ‘n ondersteunende spanatmosfeer. As ‘n tegnoloog sal jy die kans kry om aan opwindende projekte te werk en saam te werk met kollegas
wat passievol is oor wat hulle doen.
As jy ‘n gedrewe, bekwame tegnoloog is wat op soek is na ‘n opwindende nuwe geleentheid, moedig ons jou aan om
vandag aansoek te doen!
Aansoek kan alleenlik gedoen word deur NWK se webwerf. Vir meer inligting besoek asseblief
( Vir enige navrae, kontak Simóne Ferreira by (018) 633 1363. Besoek ons Facebookblad by
Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 28 September 2023. Indien u nie binne twee weke na die sluitingsdatum vir ʼn onderhoud
genooi word nie, ag die aansoek onsuksesvol. NWK ondersteun die oogmerk van die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming en gee
voorkeur aan aansoekers uit die benoemde groepe. Kandidate met gestremdhede word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen.
NWK behou die reg voor om die pos nie te vul nie.